SuperMoo MOOOONS Over Anna Cow


“Love is in the air”- SuperMoo and AnnaCow atop the Scottish Highlands

SuperMoo caught a glimpse of Ms. Anna Cow while she was preparing for her role as “The Sleeping Beauty” and nothing has been the same since at the #Burgeron106 homestead.  He’s been smitten… to put it mildly.  His dreams are now filled with romantic adventures of whisking her away to far-off exotic places.


Anna Cow sans makeup

With this week’s Celtic Fairy Tale theme at the Bovine County Fairy Tale Festival, he found a Scottish Ballad arranged for the Lyre among my files, “My Black-Haired Maid”, that he’s tweaking a wee bit to express his deepest feelings of love and adoration for our fair lady.

“My Black-Spotted Maid” is a work in progress. Sadly, SuperMoo is not musically inclined, but the family has jumped in to help. Cousin Ron was willing to pluck out the notes, which SuperMoo passed along to my grand daughter Rochelle to employ her singing and guitar playing talents.  Why he’s even commissioned the Headless Inkspots to create an orchestral version. I’m looking forward to hearing “The Black-Spotted Maid’s” debut on “The Porch” later in the festival.


Method Actor Ms. Anna Cow preparing for her role as “The Sleeping Beauty”. (Read More about this image)

My Black-Spotted Maid
(New Lyrics by SuperMoo)

My black-spotted maid, so leal and true,
My darling, do not leave me;
Though black and white, a fairer hue
I would not have, believe me.

Thy cheeks are waxen red and fair.
Thy shining eyes are clearest.
Beneath thy shining silken hair –
My heart is thine, my dearest.

Thy large brown eyes, so mild and bright,
Beneath their lashes beaming.
Like lucid dew-drops when the light
Of morn is o-er them streaming.

Thy glossy tresses from their snood
In waving fold unbraided.
Thou could’st not have a richer hood,
Or be more neatly shaded.

Tis for the love I bear to thee –
A love with sorrow laden –
That thou art banished far from me,
My bonnie black-spotted maiden

*Leal: loyal and faithful
*Snood: ornamental hairnet


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