Icelandic Imagery

The Bovine County Fairy Tale Festival is underway. Our weekly Around The World workshops are a place to learn more about a culture and to build your creative digital muscles.  Participate in a workshop anytime or dip your digital toes into all nine!

Week 3: Icelandic Imagery & Visual Storytelling


This week’s digital skills workshop: Telling Stories in Photos

To assist festival-goers in further developing their digital literacy skills and establishing a personal digital identity, each week we highlight a different topic being sponsored by the Bank of DS106 Assignment with volunteer support from the Open DS106 community.  This week we offer “Telling Stories in Photos“.

Rather than specifying “assignments” everyone is encouraged to learn more about the topic, Telling Stories In Photos,  by visiting the Open DS106 Syllabus and choosing something to create from an array of visual based digital projects. Each project links to examples of work completed by others.  They also include links to tutorials that can help you learn how to complete the work. By tagging your web related posts (either on the Burgeron Family blog or a personal blog) with both VisualAssignments and Visual Assignments#### your work will be added to the list of examples.  I found these tips for writing up ds106 Assignments in a blog post most helpful.

The Burgeron family blog is always available for posting. (If you need editor access or help let us know.) Or you can post to your own personal blog. Let us know there’s something new with a tweet tagged with #burgeron106 and posting a quick note at our DS106 Google+ Community.


dwarfs-49804_1280Icelandic tales tell of enigmatic elves and other beings – some horrible, some milder. Many folktale motifs of Norwegian folklore may be found too. The somewhat darker tone of Icelandic tales presumably reflects Icelandic ways of life earlier. Folktales illustrate, explain, warn and entertain. Ghosts and fairies pop up to such ends, as do trolls and giants.

As it is, strange tales can instil respect for nature and creatures, or imagined spirits of many sorts. Values can be passed on to children to show them some ways of their ancestors. [Source:]


We invite you to visit any or all of the  Around the World workshops being held this year at the Bovine County Fairy Tale Festival.


“A fairy tale, or wonder tale, is a kind of folktale or fable. In these stories we meet witches and queens, giants and elves, princes, dragons, talking animals, ogres, princesses, and sometimes even fairies. Marvelous and magical things happen to characters in fairy tales.” [Source]

TOC for the Folk-stories of Iceland:

IcelandicTalesTOC_A IcelandicTalesTOC_B

2 thoughts on “Icelandic Imagery

  1. You have done such an amazing job at finding resources! I am having a rest from the hospital work this weekend and hangin’ out at the trailer….my tree house is nowhere to be seen but thankfully I can sit and create in your porch, NanaLou.


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