A radio bumper from Mama Boo

LittleBooPiazzaNavona2-July2014Little Boo and I decided to take a little trip before our family reunion in August. We’ve spent the past few days in Rome–our first time here. You can see Little Boo in front of a fountain in the Piazza Navona in the picture here. No one seemed to care too much that there were ghosts in the Piazza; I guess they’re used to seeing all kinds of things from tourists.

During week 2 of our computer classes, one of the things we could do was to create a radio bumper. I decided to make one for my friends Mariana Funes and John Johnston, for their “DS106 Good Spell” radio show. During this show, Mariana and John talk about a list of 106 “bullets” about ds106 that Mariana wrote. You can hear some of the past episodes of that show here.

I made a radio bumper that focuses on one of the bullets in particular:

DS106 is art psychotherapy if you want to use it that way

I have used ds106 that way, many times. And it has saved my mental state. I think because of the wonderful people I have been able to meet and make art with. So this bullet point really resonated with me.

So, I made this. I asked my friend Christina Hendricks to upload it to her Soundcloud account because it’s hard to get an account with these things when one is not a living person.


If you were around in the 1970s in N. America, you may remember the “Calgon Take Me Away” ad campaign, which was the inspiration for this bumper.

I’ve got a lot of catching up to do on what’s been happening with the family since we left, and with week 3 of our computer classes! In the meantime, ciao from Italy.


This bumper is licensed CC-BY-SA.

All sounds are CC0 from freesound.org except my voice and the music at the end. Music at the end is by Jahzzar: “The Flowers are Still Standing,” from the album Tumbling Dishes Like Old-Men’s Wishes. Available on the Free Music Archive with a CC-BY-SA 4.0 license: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar/Tumbling_Dishes_Like_Old-Mans_Wishes/The_Flowers_Are_Still_Standing

Link for the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license for this song: creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

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