To the Bovine Signal!


Original image by Skye McAllister. GIF remix by Rochelle Lockridge

I’m concerned enough that I’m calling for help. Dr. M posted her concerns earlier today. There are now several Burgeron family members that are missing: JJ Mac GIF, Stefanie, Bella & Bonnie Burgeron , and Julie Burgeron.  Quite possibly West Burgeron too – although I’m not positive if he was coming or not. There was even a mention quite early on that the Headless Inkspots from over in DS106 City would be sharing their music at the trailer this summer.  Everyone made contact early on that they would be joining us, started their journey, then not a word. Our Bovine County ace reporter Betsy de R. and Aunty Sappy were investigating some strange sounds over the 4th of July, possibly linked to that mysterious AREA 106, but they haven’t located any of our missing family members. Thank goodness we know Anna Cow is just fine. Congratulations dear on be crowned “Miss Bovine America” at the Bovine County fair.  While Mama and Little Boo are doing some traveling over in Italy at the moment, they’ve at least kept in touch to let me know they’ll be back home in plenty of time to help with the preparations for the big family reunion.

Now with all these missing family members, I personally took it upon myself to head over to the Bovine County seat in DS106 City last night to flash the Bovine Signal, hoping to summon our local caped crusaders to aid us in finding our lost family members.  Could they have been abducted? Or have they been sucked into a time vortex like Highlander Don? Or met some other sinister demise? Maybe they’re just lost and their cell phone service doesn’t reach out here. Whatever it is, I want to get to the bottom of this.  I’m turning 100 for landsakes. This is a big event for the family.  No evil do-er is going to ruin my party.

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